Tuesday, November 13, 2007


We had a great time in Minneapolis. Jason was able to go to his classes, and I was able to spend each day doing what I wanted to do. I was proud of myself for getting out and driving where I wanted to go and not getting lost. We went to eat each night somewhere we can't eat down here, and shopped at Cabellas or Gander Mnt. It was very relaxing.

The kids were happy to see us and they had a great time as well... I think Jyl took them out to eat every meal. They loved that. They also spent time "hunting" in the canyon. They were able to kill lots of wild pigs, antelope, and coyotes. I think all the time they spend with Jason and his hunting videos must be wearing off on them...

One of the best parts of the trip was coming home to a spotless house. Thanks Jyl...There is a friend that is closer than a brother, and you are it my friend. God has blessed me over and over with family and friends, and it was surely a blessing to have Jyl come and know that the kids were taken care of and everything was handled.

We met the kids at Jana and Gerald's house and had birthday cake for Kolin's birthday. He loved his birthday! He is a funny little boy, and we love him so much, but he is a real toot. Since we had been gone for Jaylee's birthday, and Jason had been sick on Wes' birthday, we all went out to eat for supper in Amarillo when we got home from Minneapolis... this also gave the airlines a chance to get the rest of our luggage back to Amarillo from Minneapolis. 2 out of 4 bags did not arrive on time....but all in all, the trip was a success.

I have read part of a new book, Getting it right with children, and it has inspired me to be better, and so far I think it is working. If any of you are struggling on issues you wonder how to best handle with kids, I recommend the book... it has lots of good ideas you can implement.

Jason was really happy to be back home and out of the fast lane, but I love Minneapolis and hope to return there for a visit someday.


Sydni said...

You posted again! Yippee!!

I sure liked seeing Kanyon on that frog quilt!

If anyone ever calls me a 'toot' I'll know to take it as a compliment and that it means something like Kolin...

So glad to hear everyone is doing well and that you had such a wonderful trip.

Sydni said...

I'm tagging you. Check out Sayler's Paige for details (toward the end of the post).